1) Fill out the submission form on this website. At the bottom of the form, upload your model’s related files. The model’s native code files are REQUIRED either in your preferred format or as a link to a GitHub repository. Executable files are not permitted, and individual file uploads may not exceed 20MBs each. If upload exceeds 20MBs, please create a GitHub repository. Optional uploads include publications, posters, technical reports, or presentations applicable to your model.
2) Our staff will review your submission to ensure that it is within scope for the clearinghouse, and that you have included all required information. Your model and code will be posted as a project on the
Clearinghouse Open Science Framework page. We will follow up via email when we have posted your model.
Name * |
Affiliation * |
Email * |
Model information |
Date of model's last update | MM
Model/Project title | |
Background *
Specify model purpose
Methods *
Specify population, intervention(s), comparator, and outcomes |
Model description: Results *
Model description: Conclusion *
Model sponsor *
Source of funding for this model or project, |
Primary Country *
Primary country, select international if multiple countries apply |
Disease Area *
Primary disease focus of model |
Intervention *
Primary intervention focus of model |
Model information |
Model type
Software used *
Software package used and version |
Is this model a modified version of one already cataloged in the clearinghouse? *
If "Yes", please provide an OSF website link to prior versions of this model:
Model Computer Files
Models can be uploaded in one of two ways:
Option 1) Upload model directly if it consists of no more than three files (less than 20MBs each).
Option 2) Create a GitHub repository and
submit link (written directions found here through step 1, and video found here). |
Code File Upload
Additional file upload (manuscript, presentation, etc.)
GitHub repository link
Recommended for models with multiple code files. Please ensure repository is public. | |
After you submit, our staff will screen your model to ensure you have submitted all required materials and follow up when your model has been posted to the Clearinghouse.